UBS is looking for someone to join their Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities (FICC) Structuring Group at the Director level who has expertise in both U.S. GAAP and IFRS.

The position requires four years of relevant experience, and a CPA. Experience in a Big 4 transaction services group is ideal. This position is located in Stamford, CT.

Company: UBS AG

Title: Executive Director/Director – FICC Structuring – Accounting Expert

Location: Stamford, CT

Responsibilities: The candidate will be expected to (1) Structure and execute transactions, and (2) Support the Structuring Group in analyzing and structuring the accounting aspects of transactions. The candidate will report to Head of US RATL.

Qualifications/Skills: The ideal candidate will have practiced accounting in a transaction services group at a Big 4 accounting firm with experience in US GAAP and IFRS. The candidate should have a track record of innovation/creativity. Minimum of 4 years proven relevant experience; 4 year Bachelor’s degree or international equivalent; CPA.

See the entire description over at the GC Career Center and visit the main page for all your job search needs.