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Review Comments | 08.12.09

ben_old.jpgFed Suggests Economy Is Stabilizing – “U.S. Federal Reserve officials on Wednesday left official interest rates near zero but suggested the economy is on more stable ground, more confirmation that the severe recession is either already over or will be very soon.” Does anyone know if this really means anything? Are we stabilizing in crappiness? [WSJ]
Save This Store – A case for big bonuses. [Floyd Norris/NYT]
Colonial: No 2Q report due to irregularities – FTW guys. [AP via Miami Herald]
Simplifed Reporting: Forgotten in the Crisis? – An advisory group gave the SEC a 170 page report to recommend how to simplify accounting rules. Anyone see a problem here? [CFO]
Presented Without Comment: Ragnar Danneskjöld Lives? Damn Swedes. [DB]
Rivkah, an Israeli woman, paid $32K to fly her dog, Orchuk, in business class from Paris to Tel Aviv – ‘He is my child, not a dog. And he deserves the best.’ Appears reasonable. [NYDN]