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PwC Has Broken Into the Cringeworthy World of Mommy Blogging

Woman and child at a park

When you think of PwC, what comes to mind? Coveted internships? Bob Moritz’s hot dad glasses? Totally screwing up the one job they had at the Academy Awards? Well, get ready for PwC’s latest venture: blogging about period cramps.

That’s right, y’all, PwC has ventured into mommy blogging. Once solely the domain of Scentsy-pushing stay-at-home-moms with a penchant for oversharing, mommy blogging is now an $11 billion industry. So it’s no wonder PwC wanted a piece.

Aoife Flood is senior manager of the Global Diversity & Inclusion Programme Office in Dublin and has the distinction of creating the single-most cringy piece of prose we’ve ever seen hosted by PwC for their hilariously named Gender Agenda blog. In it, she discusses her experience with hyperemesis gravidarum. For those who don’t — or don’t want to — know what that is, it’s like morning sickness on crack. Basically you’re a walking puke machine for months on end, with the slightest thing sending you into a barfing rage. Sounds fun, right?


Look, I get that it sucks. And I get that someone might want to write about it “for awareness.” But is a public accounting firm’s blog really the place for it?

I’m not going to repost any of it here because people going into graphic detail about pregnancy is gross, but here are some highlights in her own words:

  • Vomiting on average 20 times a day and retching what felt like every 15 minutes.
  • Saliva was a trigger, which meant placing a towel under my head so I could literally just dribble prevented some vomiting bouts.
  • The smell or movement of my husband beside me made me vomit.
  • A series of bladder infections.
  • A leaking of my waters.

Ugh stop. STAHP. Why is it the Gender Agenda blog is the dumping ground for TMI stories about pregnancy puke? You don’t see Bob Moritz waxing poetic about his divorce-induced hemorrhoids on his Medium blog, now do you? NO, because he’s a dude and dudes have stuff to write about other than leaky waters.

3 thoughts on “PwC Has Broken Into the Cringeworthy World of Mommy Blogging

  1. “The smell or movement of my husband beside me made me vomit.”

    My wife definitely has this problem, even when she’s not pregnant.

      1. I would ‘Like’ your comment if this piece of shit comments section would allow me to do that. But it doesn’t, so whatever.

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