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Former KPMG Partner Wants a Job That Is Worse Than Being a KPMG Partner

I kid, I kid. There are plenty of KPMG partners who couldn’t be happier if they were PwC partners. ANYWAY, that’s beside the point. What is the point is that former House of Klynveld partner Leslie Coolidge is running for U.S. Congress in Illinois’ Sixth District. Why would a seemingly normal person CPA opt for a career in the dungeon asylum hellhole that is the House of Representatives? Well, she has her reasons:

“Like many of us, I have become increasingly dismayed by the apparent unwillingness of our current Congress to address the critical issues facing our country today,” Coolidge, 52, said. “As I watched the brinksmanship this summer as Congress actually considered letting our country go into financial default, I knew I could no longer sit on the sidelines. As a CPA, I can delve into and understand complex financial matters and create innovative solutions that make sense. In addition, much of my career was spent negotiating among parties with divergent views to find ways to successfully move forward, something Congress is not doing.”

An agent of change! A uniter, not a divider! All that crap! How could it go wrong?

Coolidge announces candidacy for Congress [NS]