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Busy Season Zen: This Birb Is a Whole Mood

When I spend hours upon hours scrolling through YouTube watching old To Catch a Predator clips looking for something cute in order to bring you the very best for Busy Season Zen, I’m usually looking for something that lasts longer than 60 seconds (insert joke about your ex-boyfriend here). Case in point, the ten hours of paint drying video. Obviously you can’t hole yourself up in the bathroom stall and watch paint drying, but just in case you were able to do so, it’s there.

This little guy (or gal?) is likely the shortest Busy Season Zen video we’ve ever posted. And I don’t care. If this doesn’t put you in a mood, well, maybe it’s time to brush up the ole resume and think about a career change.

Go ahead and put him on repeat and imagine yourself marching into HR’s office to declare “I quit!” Or something. Hurry up and watch, actually, there’s work to be done.

Need more Zen? You know we’ve got you.