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Compensation Survey: Which Firm Pays the Most?

We've only been talking about this endlessly since we first put it together but until we close the Going Concern Compensation Survey (hey look there's a link to it, you should go take it), we're going to keep talking about it.

In order to keep your interest, we're going to tease you with a fancy little chart based on survey results thus far. Before we do that, though, we need to qualify a few things about this data.

First, it's self-reported. So it's only as accurate as the survey respondent is honest. Considering the fact that you all are supposed to be some of the most ethical, honest individuals in the world, we shouldn't have to worry about that, right?

Second, context against the rest of the data would be helpful here but we don't want to spoil the surprise just yet — we've gotten several hundred responses and expect to get many more in coming weeks — so this is all you get for now. Keep in mind we have survey responses from just about every state in the union, from across all service lines and from all manner of grunts entry-level to advanced. What that means is that these average numbers include a large variety of salary levels.

Third, for obvious reasons, the population size for smaller firms is, well, smaller than the larger firms. We kept them in anyway because we want to strongly encourage participation from everyone, not just the same four firms we constantly discuss.

NOW. The chart you've been waiting for.

Anyone surprised by this?